
Top 7 advantages of process automation in the BackOffice 

Ensuring the smooth business flow within a company is always a challenge for managers, regardless of their field of activity. Companies represent the iceberg metaphor that shows the top out of the water (FrontOffice), but below the sea level, something supports the whole structure (BackOffice). For smooth business operations, there are hundreds of processes that work in the background. And, therefore, are not perceived by the customers – but are fundamental to the company’s success.

The BackOffice is a primordial part of any company and, combined with automation tools, allows greater productivity, agility, and flexibility in business management.

Many BackOffice tasks are related to administration, logistics, customer relationship, finance, HR, sales, etc. Can you imagine the countless benefits that an integrated and automated system can bring to a company? The investment in technology to automate these processes, integrating data systems and workflow brings several advantages. With the structured information, accessing and working with data enables a strategic vision, besides promoting integration among different teams. In general, it is the starting point for modernization and gains in productivity.

Continue reading to discover seven advantages that BackOffice process automation brings to a company.

1 – Decrease of repetitive tasks

The operational routine of most companies involves at least one repetitive activity. Implementing technology to develop them brings efficiency and productivity gains. In addition, it is possible to reallocate employees to the most strategic tasks for the business, such as planning and innovation.

Besides, bureaucratic activities can be simplified, reducing or even eliminating the printing, circulation, and accumulation of papers in the corporate environment, which also reduces costs!

2 – Promoting Greater Cost Control

Cost reduction and cost control are goals that all companies wish to achieve. It is undeniable that, directly or indirectly, all BackOffice tasks generate expenses, whether using skilled labor or organization resources.

However, in an automated system, such actions can be performed automatically, directly impacting the business productivity. Team training costs are also reduced, since manual tasks are drastically reduced, and a safer process is promoted, in which the rules are defined, avoiding operational errors and financial losses. Another advantage is related to cost control, since everything can be monitored by the manager through dashboards adapted to the specific needs of each client.

3 – Increased productivity

Productivity is intrinsically related to “doing more with less.” In this sense, a BackOffice process automation increases the productivity and flexibility in your business’s management.

Through technology, it is possible to gain efficiency, which has a direct impact on productivity. With automation systems, you can deliver to managers and users precisely what was planned and on time. In this way, your company can accomplish tasks in a shorter time and with fewer costs, which helps managers to implement better business strategies.

4 – Process Optimization

Another inherent characteristic of BackOffice activities is the processing of documents, invoices, protocols, and forms. Many of them have legal value and require professional control. Through automation and process control, your company can send documents automatically and in previously programmed times. In addition, the sharing of information benefits the communication flow, avoiding duplicate actions of different teams. Another gain is in sustainability since there is a decrease in printed papers.

5 – Team integration and monitoring

BackOffice tasks are usually not performed by just one area or one employee in the company. There are demands from the financial, legal, logistics, customer relationship departments, among others, creating a significant database that, if not centralized, the chance of some obstacle occurring is great. The automation of these processes positively impacts the effectiveness of customer service and the delivery of services and products, allowing the sharing of tasks in a dynamic way.

6 – Access to effective analysis metrics

As mentioned earlier, a company produces a significant range of data daily. So, it is essential to use this data to generate indicators, targets and monitor business development, allowing businesses to understand which processes need improvement. Automating these methods also ensures that the data is always available at access levels established by the organization and makes access to information regarding sales, performance, and stock, for example, much simpler and more effective.

7 – Improving the Employee Experience

It is not only the User Experience that matters but also that of the employees. Employee Experience is also essential for your internal teams to stay satisfied and productive at work.

Automated BackOffice improves employee motivation since it allows them to focus on tasks that bring more value to the company. It also enables them to see their contribution to the company’s success.

Transforming your FrontOffice without paying attention to the foundation that supports it is a common mistake. With BackOffice automation, many mundane, repetitive, and labor-intensive tasks can be accomplished quickly, efficiently, and profitably. Quick service, clear information, competitive pricing, and error reduction are just some of the advantages of BackOffice process automation.

BackOffice automation is one of the services offered by Algardata. Interested? Learn more here.


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