
Agrotech: Digital transformation in agriculture

Agrotech transformacao digital na agricultura hero

The agricultural sector is constantly evolving, and obstacles are beginning to emerge, such as variations in climate, limited cultivable area, infrastructure and logistics problems, or lack of human capital. With these obstacles ahead, progress in technology and increased productivity with sustainability are essential.

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The agricultural sector in Portugal

Portugal is a country with optimal and unique conditions for agricultural production. Since the year 2014 and until 2020, mainland Portugal will receive 4.1 million euros for agriculture, livestock and forestry. Besides the farming profession being increasingly popular, this is one of the activity sectors with the greatest potential at a national level.

The focus on the development of this segment is a national reality, being one of the most significant for society and with high expectations for the coming years.

With this growth, agricultural producers need support for production in order to achieve the expected goals and quantities, without neglecting the strict standards that this sector faces in terms of hygiene, safety, and quality.

However, investing in agricultural production and making it profitable is a process that, like any other business, requires efficient management and the practice of strategies that allow you to optimize production processes to achieve your goals. In this sense, technologies applied to the agribusiness production chain have been revolutionizing the sector and improving the quality of production.

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What is Agrotech?

Agrotech is the so-called digital transformation in agribusiness. Thus, the term is related to the digital revolution applied in agriculture, whether on a small or large scale, to optimize the work in rural and livestock production. In this sense, several companies have begun to emerge to assist in the agricultural production process. They present creative, innovative, and technological ideas.

Satellite mapping of areas, large-scale data processing, weighing management, and irrigation technologies are just some of the technological applications that are being used to improve performance during all stages of production.

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The role of Agrotech in transforming food systems

According to a UN food insecurity study, nearly 690 million people will go hungry in 2019 – an increase of 10 million from 2018 and approximately 60 million in five years. The report encourages a transformation of food systems to reduce costs and increase access to healthy diets.

The study calls on governments to integrate nutrition into their approaches to agriculture by working to reduce the factors that increase costs in food production, transportation, storage, distribution, and marketing.

Thus, making agriculture more efficient is an immediate necessity, and technology can be a strong ally in this mission.

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Algardata Solutions for Agriculture

Never has technology been so necessary to produce more with less. Today, technological solutions allow us to optimize agricultural and livestock processes, resulting in increased productivity and reduced waste.

At Algardata, we put these premises into practice, helping companies in the agricultural sector to optimize management processes and automate redundant tasks. As a result, the company’s human resources can be freed for more productive tasks, creating more agile and hybrid teams.

Our state-of-the-art software integrated with an ERP system centralizes and organizes information in real time, promoting agile operations, decision making based on real data, reduction of human error and waste, and seasonality control. We have the capacity and structure to develop the best and most optimized solutions to meet the industry’s needs.

ERP Solution

Integrated management of all your business processes in a single technological platform.

Weighing Software

Weighing management and access control, which allows you to simplify and streamline all operations.


Mobility for pre-sales and self-sales, which integrates ERP Logistics and Treasury modules.

Large-scale data processing

Applications that work together to transform unrelated data sources into engaging and interactive information.

Remote clock in clock out system

Monitoring and control of the access system in real time and remotely.

Water Resources Monitoring

Solution designed to improve water resources management, promoting more efficient and less expensive water use

Agrotech transformacao digital na agricultura deprado

Success Story

Algardata developed an integrated solution for weighing trucks for the company Deprado. The whole process is performed through Algardata software, in partnership with PRIMAVERA. The weighing is done with the Weighing Software that, integrated with the ERP, allows keeping all the information updated and synchronized, in real time.

In turn, the logistical process of the arrival of trucks for weighing is managed autonomously through the Smart Scale APP, also developed by Algardata.

The implementation of technology in this project proved to be fundamental, including the integration of solutions such as SIGER and large-scale data processing, allowing to increase the efficiency of the entire logistics and production process of the factory and automate the transmission of data with invoicing.



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